The cost of body sculpting in Egypt

The cost of body sculpting in Egypt

Recently, The demand for body sculpting procedures has increased as a rapid and highly effective solution to get rid of stubborn fat that does not respond to traditional weight loss methods.

No matter how hard you exercise or how balanced your diet is, there may be stubborn areas of fat that you can’t get rid of, no matter how hard you try. You are not alone, many people find themselves in this situation. That’s why the demand for body sculpting surgery increased and the desire to know all its details, its final cost, and its results also increased.


 Keep reading to discover everything you need to know and more, as Dr. Yasser Badi, the best plastic surgeon in Alexandria, explains to us everything you need to know about this procedure.


What is body sculpting?

Dr. Yasser Badi answers this question and gives us an overview of this procedure. This process involves slimming and reshaping certain parts of the body by getting rid of stubborn excess fat deposits that do not respond to traditional weight loss methods, to achieve a slim and sculpted figure and improve the body’s proportions to achieve a harmonious body.

Genetics plays a big role in shaping and the way of distributing body fat, in addition to the nature of lifestyle and eating. These are all factors that distribute fat in a certain way that varies from one person to another and of course, cannot be controlled.

Here, liposuction is the solution, due to its ability to achieve local slimming and break down accumulated fat in a specific area.

Can body sculpting be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Of course, this procedure can be combined with other cosmetic procedures to achieve a specific goal. Among the most famous examples, as Dr. Yasser Badi, the best plastic surgeon in Alexandria, explains are the following:

  • Liposuction with tummy tuck to achieve a flat and taut abdomen.
  • Liposuction to reduce breasts with a breast lift to achieve an attractive feminine breast.
  • 4D body sculpting that targets getting rid of fat, strengthening muscles, and tightening skin and connective tissue.

Body areas could body sculpting target

Body contouring is a very safe procedure, as Dr. Yasser Badi explained, and it can be performed on all areas of the body, including delicate and sensitive areas such as the face and neck.

The most common areas are:

Could more than one area be targeted on the same procedure?

Indeed yes, liposuction could be performed on more than one area at the same time, or performed on one area, then the suctioned fat is processed and re-injected into another area to enhance its size naturally. Your plastic surgeon will examine you and discuss the appropriate options for you to achieve your dream look.

Who are the best candidates for body sculpting surgery?

Dr. Yasser Badi, a plastic surgeon, answers this question and explains that there are common criteria that your plastic surgeon evaluates first before recommending liposuction and choosing the technique that best suits your goals. First of all, candidates for this procedure must have realistic goals regarding the outcome of the procedure, and not seek idealism, in addition to the following criteria:

Candidates should be:

  • Adults over 18 years of age.
  • Must have ideal or close to ideal body weight, and not be obese or overweight. Must have tight and elastic skin that contains an acceptable amount of elastin and collagen proteins and good muscle strength.
  • Must enjoy good general health and not suffer from any chronic diseases that hinder the healing process or delay recovery.
  • The candidate must have layers of stubborn fat that do not respond to any diet or exercise.
  • Non-smokers, because smoking hurts the healing and recovery process.
The cost of body sculpting in Egypt
The cost of body sculpting in Egypt

Is body sculpting surgery suitable for me?

You must first evaluate whether you are a candidate for this procedure or not, and then evaluate whether this procedure is the most appropriate to reach your goals or not.

Generally, Dr. Yasser Badi, the best plastic surgeon, explains to us specific criteria, if they are met, a body sculpting procedure is considered very suitable for you, and they are as follows:

  • If you are satisfied with your body weight but not satisfied with its shape.
  • Suffer from disproportionate body proportions.
  • The fat accumulated in a specific area is not affected despite exercising and dieting for a long time.

When will you notice the results of body sculpting?

It is a common belief among people that this procedure is the quickest solution to sculpting and reshaping a specific area of ​​the body.

But in reality, the time for the final results of the body contouring procedure to appear varies from one person to another according to many factors that Dr. Yasser Badi lists for us, which are:

Factors affecting the time to notice final results

  • The body’s ability to heal and recover.
  • The technique used in body sculpting, whether the body sculpting is surgical or non-surgical.
  • The amount of fat removed.
  • The area that was carved.
  • The skill of the plastic surgeon who performed the procedure.

In general, you can expect to see the results of the body contouring procedure after complete recovery, the disappearance of any swelling or redness, and the skin adapting to the new features of the area, and this usually does not exceed three months maximum.

How can you notice the final results faster?

Dr. Yasser Badi, the best plastic surgeon in Alexandria, gives us some tips that must be followed for a faster recovery and to see the final results as quickly as possible, which are as follows:

  • Do not make any strenuous effort during the recovery period, but instead keep making simple efforts, such as walking, for example, to maintain blood circulation and prevent the formation of clots.
  • Drink plenty of water and fluids to ensure healthy skin.
  • Eat healthy, balanced foods rich in protein and vitamin C to ensure you get the essential elements you need for natural collagen production.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions regarding taking prescribed medications on time, antibiotics, and wound care.

What is the cost of body sculpting surgery?

There is no specific value for the cost of this procedure. Still, many factors interfere in determining its final value, as stated by Dr. Yasser Badi, the best plastic surgeon.

Factors affect body contouring final cost

  • The surgeon’s fees: This is the main factor in determining the price of the operation, and this is controlled by the surgeon’s experience, skill, qualifications obtained, reputation, the number of successful cosmetic procedures he performed, and his patients’ satisfaction with the results.
  • The area of ​​the body you want to treat, and whether you want to sculpt one or several areas.
  • The technique used to reach your goal.
  • Fees for the facility where the procedure is performed and additional fees.

What are the additional costs for body sculpting surgery?

Some facilities have comprehensive packages for the procedure, while others add additional fees depending on each case.

Possible additional costs for body sculpting include:

  • Consultation and doctor visit fees.
  • Medical examinations were performed before the operation.
  • Anesthesiologist fees.
  • Antibiotics and medications that are prescribed.
  • Compression garments and surgical dressings for the wound.
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Plastic surgery & body contouring specialist

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Alexandria University Master of Plastic Surgery
Egyptian Fellowship for Plastic Surgery

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