Mommy makeover surgery

Mommy makeover surgery

The mommy makeover process comes as a new exciting and popular concept, which is considered an amazing transformation process that aims to achieve the ideal look that many women dream of.

This process is called the motherhood transformation since it allows women to rediscover their femininity and regain self-confidence.

Dr. Yasser Badi explains that during both pregnancy and breastfeeding, women undergo profound physical and psychological changes, these challenges make many women feel uncomfortable about their appearance and seek to regain the attractiveness and youthfulness that they possessed before motherhood, so the mommy makeover process comes to provide the comprehensive and innovative solution.

Mommy makeover series of operations

The mommy makeover series of operations includes a group of surgical procedures that are aimed at improving the physical appearance of women after pregnancy and childbirth.

The operations included in the series may also vary depending on the needs and desires of the woman and the individualized assessment of the surgeon.

The mommy makeover series of operations includes the following:

Tummy tuck

Excess skin is removed during tummy tuck procedure, and sagging abdominal muscles are tightened. It aims to improve the appearance of the abdomen and redefine the waist.

Breast augmentation

In the breast augmentation procedure, artificial implants or transferred fat are used to increase the size of the breast and improve its shape. The implants are customized according to the woman’s desires

Breast Lift

If your breasts are saggy or have lost firmness after pregnancy and breastfeeding, a breast lift can be done to redirect and lift them for a more youthful and firm appearance.


Liposuction can be used to remove excess fat from areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. This helps improve the overall shape of the body and achieve a proportioned look.

Body reshaping

In more complex cases, treatment may include additional procedures such as an arm lift or a thigh lift to improve the overall body shape and symmetry.

Are you the best candidate for a mommy makeover procedure?

Dr. Yasser Badi  ensures that in addition to some important medical tests that must be performed before undergoing the procedure, some criteria must be met to be the best candidate, which are:

  • The patient must be in good health and free of any chronic diseases that might affect the surgery’s safety.
  • The woman should not plan to become pregnant or be pregnant or breastfeeding in the future.
  • The patient’s current weight must be stable for an acceptable period before surgery, to achieve better and long-lasting results.
  • Conduct a specialized breast plastic surgeon to evaluate the individual case and determine whether the operation is suitable and what techniques are appropriate.
  • The patient must be prepared for a recovery period after surgery, and carefully follow post-operative care instructions.
  • The patient should discuss with his surgeon in detail the operation options, available techniques, expected results as well and associated costs.
  • The patient must agree to the procedure formally and based on full knowledge of the procedure and potential risks.

The goal of the Mommy Makeover series of operations

The primary goal of the mommy makeover series of operations is to achieve a comprehensive and integrated improvement of the physical appearance of women after motherhood and to reshape and define the body after the changes that the woman’s body goes through during pregnancy and breastfeeding, to restore confidence and physical attractiveness and the feeling of youthful and energetic. However, the appropriate procedures and their sequence must be determined based on a personal evaluation of each case. Therefore, these operations should be performed under the supervision and guidance of a qualified and certified plastic surgeon to ensure good results and safety.

Mommy makeover surgery
Mommy makeover surgery

Problems that could Mommy Makeover operations address

The Mommy Makeover procedure usually includes cosmetic procedures in several areas of the body to target the following problems:

  • Sagging breasts.
  • Sagging abdomen.
  • Abdominal muscle separation.
  • Using autologous fat injections or silicone implants to improve the shape of other areas such as the breasts, buttocks, hips, and lips.

Some important tips that Dr. Yasser Badi provides to his patients before performing Mommy Makeover operations

Before performing a Mommy Makeover series of operations, there are some important tips and instructions that Dr. Yasser advice to be followed, which are:

  • Consult a specialized plastic surgeon before undergoing any plastic surgery.
  • Maintain a healthy and stable weight before undergoing Mommy Makeover procedures.
  • You must be psychologically prepared for such operations.
  • It is necessary to understand the different operations, expected results, and possible recovery period.
  • Check reviews from patients who have undergone the procedure before and contact them to understand their personal experience.
  • Ensure that you are in good health before performing operations.
  • If you have any existing medical conditions, tell your doctor to make sure you are a candidate to undergo surgery.
  • You should stop smoking and drinking alcohol before performing the operations.
  • You should follow all your surgeon-specific instructions.
  • Having a Mommy Makeover can be an important and emotionally stressful procedure, so you have to get emotional support from close family and friends before and after the procedure.

Mommy Makeover results

The Mommy Makeover series of operations provides many important benefits, it contributes to restoring a woman’s body to its natural state before pregnancy, which increases her self-confidence and her ability to enjoy a better life. In addition, you will enjoy full, attractive breasts, and a flat stomach. You will also get rid of excess and stubborn fat from different areas of the body, such as the thighs, hips, and waist.

It is worth noting that in the first weeks after Mommy Makeover surgery, you might experience some swelling, and bruising, in the breast area, but over time the swelling and bruising will fade and the breast will begin to stabilize and gradually improve.  The time taken to notice the final results depends on factors such as the body’s ability to recover and the type of procedure. Generally, it’s important to follow all the surgeon’s instructions for post-operative care and the scheduled follow-up appointments. Finally, Patients should wait patiently and give their bodies enough time to recover and for the desired results to fully appear.

The cost of the Mommy Makeover series of operations

The cost of Mommy Makeover operations depends on several factors, as it is difficult to put a cut-off cost for these operations. The most important factors that control the cost are the following:

  • The extent of damage that the body areas suffered after pregnancy and childbirth.
  • The type of operation and techniques used in treatment, such as breast lift, tummy tuck, autologous fat injection, or silicone implants.
  • The surgeon’s experience and reputation, highly affect the cost of the operation.
  • The type of anesthesia used, whether general or local anesthesia.
  • The location and reputation of the facility where the operation will be performed.
  • The cost of materials and tools used in the operation, such as silicone gaskets.
  • Additional techniques such as skin tightening or advanced cosmetic techniques may be used.
  • The additional cost of follow-up and post-operative care to ensure proper recovery and achieve the desired results.
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Plastic surgery & body contouring specialist

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Alexandria University Master of Plastic Surgery
Egyptian Fellowship for Plastic Surgery

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