Breast Augmentation Cost

Breast Augmentation Cost

Breast augmentation is one of the most common and highly demanded surgical procedures in the field of cosmetics among the public. It provides a magic solution for women who dream of enhancing their attractiveness and increasing their self-confidence. With the increase in demand for this procedure, understanding its cost becomes vital for many people, so in this article, the best plastic surgeon in Alexandria explains the expected prices of the operation, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the factors that may affect them, and all the information necessary to enable you to make an informed decision about performing this operation.

Breast augmentation surgery overview

Some women suffer from disproportionate breast size in their bodies, which affects their self-confidence and psychological health. To solve this problem, the best plastic surgeon in Alexandria performs breast enlargement surgery, which aims to enhance the size of the breast and improve its shape naturally and harmoniously. Breast enlargement is performed via several different techniques such as silicone implants or using autologous fat, depending on the needs and desires of the patient. This operation is one of the most common and very safe operations, however, it requires a highly skilled and experienced specialized plastic surgeon.

Advantages of breast augmentation operations

Breast enlargement surgery has many advantages, including the following:

  • The procedure is an opportunity for a woman to have perfect breasts according to her body’s topography and expectations, which enhances her sense of self-satisfaction and self-confidence.
  • Some women may suffer from psychological problems as a result of small breasts or different sizes, and breast enlargement is considered an ideal solution to these problems, as it restores balance and harmony to the breasts and enhances the psychological comfort of women.
  • The operation aims to improve the overall shape of the breast, whether the problem is related to an inappropriate size or unequal symmetry with the other breast. Thanks to the operation, the beauty and attractiveness of the breast can be enhanced and its general appearance can be improved.

Types of breast augmentation surgery

There are different types of breast augmentation surgery, so you must consult the best plastic surgeon before performing this procedure to evaluate your condition and choose the appropriate option according to your needs and desires. These types are:

Breast augmentation with silicone implants:

Silicone-filled implants with an inert polymer gel are implanted, which give the breast a natural appearance, and good and smooth texture. They also contribute to significantly improving the appearance of the breast, but rupture may occur in this type of implant, and in this case, corrective surgery must be performed.

Breast enlargement with a saline solution:

Silicone implants of this type are filled with a  saline solution. This type has the advantage of adjusting the breast size after surgery by injecting the solution. This process is considered one of the safest operations, as in the case of an implant rupture, the body absorbs the saline solution naturally, but some wrinkles may appear In the breast after a while, this is considered a defect of this type.

Breast augmentation using autologous fat:

Breast enlargement by autologous fat injection is one of the most famous types of enlargement operations, where fat is suctioned from an area of ​​the body. Then the extracted fat is injected into the breast area. This type also differs from silicone implants, where a small amount of fat is injected into the breast. In contrast, a larger amount of fat is suctioned from the body, and there is no risk of leakage or problems with this type, as the fat becomes part of the breast and receives nutrition and blood from it. The results take between 3 to 4 months until the fat is completely integrated into the breast.

What is the best technique for breast enlargement?

Choosing the best technique for breast augmentation surgery depends on the patient’s condition, goals, and the recommendation of the plastic surgeon. When deciding to undergo breast augmentation, the doctor must evaluate factors such as the structure and size of the breast, skin elasticity, and the patient’s expectations. Obtaining advice from an experienced plastic surgeon is necessary to evaluate the condition, specialized medical guidance and personal evaluation help determine which of these techniques is best for the patient’s specific condition, and then a considered and informed decision is made about the best technique for performing breast enlargement surgery.

Breast Augmentation Cost
Breast Augmentation Cost

Breast augmentation results

The initial results of breast augmentation usually appear immediately after the procedure is performed, and over time the results improve and appear more effective after a period ranging from 2 to 4 weeks, as the body must be able to recover and integrate with the placed implant and full recovery achieved. The recovery period after breast augmentation surgery varies from one person to another depending on several factors, including the patient’s condition and the technique used, but in general, recovery is expected to take about two weeks as the body can recover from the surgery and adapt to the new changes.

Is breast augmentation safe?

Dr. Yasser Badi emphasizes that breast augmentation is a safe and successful operation in the majority of cases. However, like any other surgical procedure, it carries some risks and potential complications that you must be aware of, so the patient must choose a qualified plastic surgeon, and carefully follow his instructions before and after surgery to reduce risks and increase the chances of success.

Cost of breast augmentation surgery

The price of breast enlargement surgery in Egypt cannot be determined fixedly, as the price is affected by several different factors. These factors include the type of enlargement surgery, the surgeon’s fee, the length of stay in the hospital, the cost of the medical tests and labs, in addition to the cost of the medications that the patient needs after the operation.

In addition, the costs of plastic surgery may vary between different hospitals and medical centers in Egypt, and special offers or price discounts may sometimes be offered.

Although the financial aspect can be an important priority in deciding to undergo breast augmentation surgery, other factors must also be taken into account, such as an experienced and qualified surgeon, which is crucial to ensuring good results and safety, so Dr. Yasser Badi stresses the need to look for a certified and specialized surgeon in this field.

Disadvantages of breast augmentation surgery

Although there are many advantages to breast enlargement surgery, this procedure may carry some disadvantages, such as:

Silicone problems

If silicone is used as a breast implant, it may cause some damage if the implant spreads into the breast fibers. Safe and reliable filling materials must be chosen to avoid this problem.

Cancer risks

Breast augmentation may increase the risk of cancer cells appearing in the surrounding lymph nodes. However, this risk is rare and not widespread.


Scarring can occur after the operation, which leads to a loss of the aesthetics of the breast and may make the result unsatisfactory, so it is important to take appropriate precautions to reduce the occurrence of scarring and to maintain the shape of the breast after the operation.

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Plastic surgery & body contouring specialist

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Alexandria University Master of Plastic Surgery
Egyptian Fellowship for Plastic Surgery

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