Prices of silicone breast implants in Egypt

Prices of silicone breast implants in Egypt

Many women suffer from small breasts or one of them is smaller than the other, so the best solution for them is to perform silicone breast implants to increase their self-confidence and get the look they want to reach, as silicone breast implants are considered one of the best alternatives to plastic surgery. The breast is safe, and it is characterized by its reasonable cost compared to other alternatives for breast augmentation.

The best ways to enlarge breasts

There are many plastics surgical methods that Dr. Yasser Badi uses to enlarge the breast, as the method used depends on the patient’s condition and breast size, the most important of which are the following:

  • Injection of own fat in the breast.
  • silicone breast implants.
  • Saline implants for breast augmentation.

silicone breast implants

Silicone breast implants are considered one of the best types of breast augmentation surgeries, as they depend on placing silicone implants or so-called silicone shells in a plastic gel case that gives the breast a more natural appearance than other methods used in breast augmentation.

Autologous fat injection for breast augmentation

is one of the suitable options for breast augmentation, which follows in its results silicone breast implants, as the fat injection is suitable for those women who suffer from small breast size, in addition, this procedure depends on the doctor suctioning an appropriate amount of fat from some areas in which fat is accumulated and injected into the breasts.

Saline implants for breast augmentation

Saline implants differ from silicone breast implants, as saline implants consist of silicone shells, but they are filled with sterile saline solution, and the solution may be filled before the operation and sometimes it is filled during the operation.

Types of silicone fillings

Dr. Yasser Badi relies on several important criteria when choosing the brand he uses in silicone breast implants, the most important of which are safety and beauty standards, in addition to that each brand cares about the shape and size that satisfies the customer, and among the most famous brands of silicone fillings used by Dr. Yasser Badi are the following:

  • Allergen fillings: This brand is characterized by multiple options in terms of shape and size, and it is one of the most famous brands in the world in the manufacture of silicone breast augmentation.
  • Murshid fillings: This brand is used to reconstruct the breast after it has been removed. There are also different types of fillings, whether they are round or teardrop-shaped fillings.
  • Sintra fillings: This brand is based on the latest technology used in manufacturing round and teardrop silicone, which makes them have both quality, efficiency, and safety.
Prices of silicone breast implants in Egypt
Prices of silicone breast implants in Egypt

Dr. Yasser Badi’s instructions after the silicone breast implant

After performing silicone breast implants, some instructions must be followed and adhered to recover quickly and achieve the best results from silicone breast implants. Among the most important advice and instructions that Dr. Yasser Badi gives to cases he has are the following:

  • Commitment to taking analgesic medications as well as antibiotics on time.
  • Avoid smoking or consuming alcohol during the recovery period.
  • Do not sleep on one side or the stomach after the operation for two months.
  • Avoid pressure on the breasts, especially the incision area.
  • Do not lift weights exceeding 5 kilograms.
  • Gently massage the breast in the manner indicated by the attending physician.
  • Avoid strenuous daily tasks.
  • In case of showering, the wound should be dried very carefully.
  • Avoid exercising after the operation and for a period determined by the attending physician, as well as avoid jumping or running so as not to move the implant from its place or affect the wounds.
  • The need to clean and sterilize the wound is done in the manner specified by the doctor.
  • Pay attention to wearing a bra that supports the new breast shape and prevents fluid build-up in the incision area.

Advantages of silicone breast augmentation

As we mentioned earlier, silicone breast implants are one of the most popular plastic surgeries in breast augmentation, where women resort to them to obtain an attractive and feminine appearance of the breast, as well as to restore their beauty, so many advantages made silicone breast implants spread rapidly among women, such as:

  • Simple operation and does not take more than an hour in the operating room.
  • A completely safe process with no complications or risks.
  • leave the hospital after the operation within a few hours.
  • It is considered the ideal solution for the treatment of minor breast conditions, and also treats the problem of breast asymmetry.
  • The presence of many types of braces of different sizes, makes them fit the diverse needs of women.
  • A long-term solution for small and saggy breasts.
  • No scars or marks.
  • Achieve balance in breast size and give women a more youthful and lively appearance.
  • Silicone breast implants do not affect a woman’s feelings.
  • Get a perfect shape when wearing sports or swimming clothes.

Disadvantages of silicone fillings

Although there are many advantages when performing silicone breast implants, there are some disadvantages to it, such as:

  • Silicone breast implants need a long recovery period, as it is not possible to return to work immediately after the operation.
  • The presence of difficulty in mammograms makes it difficult to detect breast cancer.
  • The possibility of some complications after the operation, but in the case of choosing a suitable surgeon, this leads to reducing the possibility of any complications appearing.
  • Irregular appearance of the breast due to the choice of implants that do not fit the shape of the body.
  • Some visible ripples may appear under the skin.

The price of silicone breast implants

Dr. Yasser Badi explains that several factors control determining the total cost of plastic surgeries in general and silicone breast implants in particular, as the most important of these factors are:

  • The type of silicone fillings used in breast augmentation.
  • Performing any other operations with silicone breast implants, whether it is breast augmentation or breast lift.
  • The experience of the surgeon and the extent of his reputation in performing this type of operation, as well as the percentage of successful experiences.
  • The type of anesthesia used in the operation, whether it is general or local anesthesia, but in most cases, general anesthesia is used.
  • Where to operate, as the cost of performing the surgery differs in the hospital or medical centers.
  • The experience of anesthesiologist, as more experience he has, the higher the cost of the operation.

Reasons for the failure of silicone breast implants

Despite the ease of silicone breast implants, there are some cases in which this process may fail, and these cases are explained by Dr. Yasser Badi as follows:

  • Some women are obsessed with repeating the process more than once to change the shape of the breast.
  • Choosing a doctor who does not have sufficient experience and skill in the field of cosmetic surgery.
  • Non-compliance with all instructions and advice given by the doctor after the operation.
  • Not conducting all the examinations and analyses through which the doctor knows the patient’s condition in detail.
  • Using some types of poor-quality implants that do not meet the standards of quality and safety.
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Plastic surgery & body contouring specialist

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Alexandria University Master of Plastic Surgery
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