What is HIFU skin tightening

What is HIFU skin tightening?

The issue of face-lifting and getting rid of expression lines and face wrinkles has become a matter of concern to many women who desire youth and freshness. Dr. Yasser Badi introduces the HIFU skin tightening technique, the latest findings in the field of face and neck tightening and would disclose all you need to know regarding this technique and how it works.

Causes of the sagging face

Before we start talking about facelifts with HIFU skin tightening, we would enumerate some factors that lead to sagging of the face and the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, these factors are:

  • Aging is one of the most important factors that lead to sagging skin, as the production of collagen, which is responsible for the skin’s natural cohesion, decreases.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Heavy smoking and/or excessive alcohol intake.
  • Excessive sunlight exposure without using a sunscreen cream.
  • Eating unhealthy foods and not drinking adequate amounts of water.
  • Don’t get enough sleep every day.
  • Leave the skin dry without adequate moisturization.
  • Use hot water to wash and clean the skin.

What is the HIFU skin tightening technique? and How does it work?

The HIFU skin tightening technique is one of the alternative techniques to surgical intervention, and it is used to tighten the skin and treat sagging and wrinkles. The word HIFU is an abbreviation for the term “High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound”, which means ultrasound waves with a high or intense focus.

HIFU works in lifting the face by exposing the skin to the device that contains 3 sensors, through which energy is emitted and penetrates the depth of 3 layers of the skin, and within a short period ranging from half a second to one second, these inner layers are heated to a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, which results in stretching muscles, tissues, and skin, and thus sagging disappears.

What are the advantages of a facelift with a HIFU skin tightening technique?

There are many advantages to using the HIFU skin tightening technique in facelift, the most important of which are:

  • An ideal alternative for those who are afraid of surgical intervention risks.
  • HIFU facelift gives immediate results that could be noticed immediately after the end of the first session.
  • HIFU is completely safe, the HIFU facelift does not involve any risks or complications, and the device has been approved and licensed for use by the Food and Drug Authority “FDA”.
  • In addition to tightening saggy skin, the HIFU technique helps eliminate dark circles, reduce the effects of scars and acne, as well as enhance skin elasticity by enhancing collagen production in the skin.
  • The HIFU technique also delays the skin aging process.
  • The HIFU technique is the least expensive compared to other facelift techniques.

The best candidate for HIFU skin tightening

You would be the best candidate and you would have the best results after using HIFU skin tightening in the following cases:

  • At the onset of the expression lines appear at the age of thirty.
  • The presence of mild to moderate wrinkles, since cases of severe sagging surgical intervention, are better chosen.
  • Sagging face after weight loss.

However, you are not a candidate and the HIFU technique could not be used in the following cases:

  • Severely damaged skin, such as severe inflammation of the skin or acne spread extensively on the face.
  • Women during pregnancy and lactation.
What is HIFU skin tightening
What is HIFU skin tightening

How to use the HIFU device?

A  face-lift session using  HIFU skin tightening simply goes through the following steps:

  • In the initial step, the doctor begins by cleansing and sterilizing the skin thoroughly.
  • A special gel is applied to the target area.
  • The doctor begins by passing the device quickly on the areas to be treated.
  • Finally, the skin is cleaned again.

Complications of using the HIFU skin tightening technique

Fortunately, there are no long-term damage or complication detected due to the use of the HIFU technique, and it’s considered to be a safe method for tightened saggy skin with only mild side effects that are tolerable and   disappear within a few days, and the most common of these complications are:

  • Swelling of the treated area.
  • Redness of the skin, and sometimes blue or purple bruises.
  • The feeling of tingling or numbness in the face.

Is a HIFU face-lift session painful?

Anyone try to avoid any medical procedure that makes him feel pain, but in the case of HIFU face-lift, the session is pain-free except for some tingles as well as numbness that the patient might feel as a result of the high heat generated by the device which is negligible when compared to a surgical facelift.

In some cases, the doctor uses local anesthesia before the session to avoid discomfort and help the patient relax during the session.

Post HIFU fa‎celift

The HIFU technique is one of the rare cosmetic techniques that does not require a special recommendation to follow after its use, and the patient can resume his life normally just after the session, and all he has to do is to avoid using cosmetics or creams that contain strong chemicals, in addition to avoiding strong sunlight or exposure to heat.

HIFU skin tightening results

What makes the HIFU device the ideal technique for eliminating facial sagging is results are noticed immediately, however, to reach the final and ideal result, and eliminate all expression lines, patients have to undergo more than one session, and the number of sessions may range between 4-6 sessions with one to two months apart or according to what the treating doctor determines. In addition, HIFU results last for a long time, as long as they are preserved.

How to maintain HIFU results

As we mentioned before HIFU facelift results last for a long time as long as they are preserved, here are some tips that you have to follow to preserve HIFU skin tightening results:

  • Ensure skin moisturizes permanently, by drinking plenty of water and with medical creams.
  • Avoid bad habits that might damage your skin, such as smoking, staying up late, and high fat and sugar intake.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight without using adequate sunscreen.
  • You might also refer to your doctor to perform a HIFU session to preserve and support the result from time to time.

Can HIFU be used on the other body parts?

Some believe that the HIFU technique is intended only for face tightening, while it can be used also for tightening the eyelids,  the cheeks, and the jaws area, and eliminating sagging neck, in addition to tightening sagging arms, abdomen, knee, and legs, etc.

HIFU facelift cost

The cost of a HIFU facelift is low when compared to other techniques, and the cost is accurately determined after the person performs the examination, and the doctor evaluates the condition.

The cost is then determined according to the extent of skin damage, and the number of sessions required to reach the ideal result and get rid of wrinkles completely.  The cost of HIFU also varies from country to country, for example, there are some countries where the cost is high, such as the UAE, while the cost is significantly reduced in other countries, the most important of which is Egypt.

With the HIFU technique, you can lift the face, restore your youth, and get rid of sagging and wrinkles safely, effectively, and at a low cost.

Only with Dr. Yasser Badi, you can stop aging signs which destroy your skin and regain your magic youthful look. You can contact our clinic immediately to get more information or to book an appointment directly.

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Plastic surgery & body contouring specialist

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Alexandria University Master of Plastic Surgery
Egyptian Fellowship for Plastic Surgery

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