Buttock augmentation

Buttock augmentation

 Many women want to have a beautiful and consistent body exactly like Kim Kardashian’s body, but there is a problem to obtain that body, which is the small size of the butt, so Dr. Yasser Badi explains that it has become easy to do Buttock augmentation, according to modern technologies that have become available at the time Therefore, through the following lines, Dr. Yasser Badi explains how to buttock augmentation, the best methods for that, and much other information related to this process.

What is Buttock Augmentation?

Buttock augmentation refers to the injection of fat or silicone substitutes to increase the size of both the buttocks and the buttocks, where the excess skin is removed from the curve of the butt which is located in the “V” area, and then Dr. Yasser Badi tightens the butt and removes all of the excess skin and hides Location of stitch marks in the undergarment area.

It is worth noting that the amount of tissue to be removed in the process differs, of course, from one person to another, in addition to that some cases have lost a large amount of weight, then the doctor forms the buttocks from this excess tissues.

Buttock augmentation methods

There are two basic ways by which you can buttock augmentation and buttocks, namely:

  • Implantation of silicone implants to enlarge the buttocks.
  • Autologous fat injection for Buttock augmentation and buttocks.
  • Silicon for Button augmentation
  • The silicone augmentation method is performed by using a silicone prosthesis through an incision of 5 cm in an invisible area in the middle of the buttock curve.
  • After that, the doctor places the artificial silicone appropriately in the muscle. After shaping and achieving the required shape, Dr. Yasser Badi creates the butt.
  • Buttock augmentation with silicone provides natural fullness to the shape and size of the buttocks, due to its placement within the muscle itself, which gives a natural appearance to both the buttocks and buttocks.

Fat injection for buttock augmentation

  • Buttock augmentation is called the Brazilian buttock augmentation process, whereby liposuction is performed from one of the areas that contain a large amount of fat, such as the abdomen.
  • Then it is re-injected into other areas of the body that need to be enlarged and enlarged, such as the buttocks and buttocks.

Advantages of Buttock augmentation by Autologous fat injection

Buttock augmentation by self-fat injection is one of the alternatives that Dr. Yasser Badi prefers in buttock augmentation because many advantages distinguish this technique from other techniques, and these advantages are:

  • Getting rid of the fat spread randomly on the body and exploiting it at the same time for Buttock augmentation and obtaining the desired size.
  • The size and shape that determine the patient’s desire can be controlled within the medically available limits.
  • Ease of extracting self-fat and obtaining significant quantities that are sufficient to enlarge the buttocks and buttocks.
  • Safe, thanks to the fact that fats from the same body do not pose any harm.
  • In addition, these fats pass through sterile conditions, which reduces the incidence of infections.
  • Its prices are competitive compared to the rest of the manufactured materials.
Buttock augmentation
Buttock augmentation

Reasons for Buttock augmentation

Many women operate, as this due to several reasons, namely:

  • Sagging of the buttocks results from the presence of muscle atrophy.
  • The patient’s desire is to improve the aesthetic appearance of this area of the body.
  • Unequal adipose tissue in the body and its poor distribution.
  • The shape or size of the buttocks is not stable.
  • The presence of congenital underdevelopment in the muscles or the so-called flat or small buttocks.
  • Eliminate asymmetry or various deformities that may occur as a result of various injuries or operations.

Candidates for Buttock augmentation

Before operating, the patient must make sure that he is qualified to perform this operation, to avoid any complications, so Dr. Yasser Badi identifies the people who are qualified for the operation, and they are:

  • People with small backsides.
  • People who do not suffer from any medical contraindications that prevent them from performing surgeries
  • For those who are not skinny, that is, there must be sufficient fat in the areas that will be suctioned.
  • People who are waiting for a realistic outcome of the process.
  • People who enjoy complete wellness.

Buttock augmentation process steps

  • Before starting the operation, local anesthesia is usually used in this operation.
  • After that, Dr. Yasser selects the appropriate area for liposuction, such as the abdomen or thighs, then liposuction is performed using the Vaser technique.
  • This technique relies on ultrasound, which works to break down fat and dissolve it, and then get rid of it and permanently remove it from the body.
  • The Vaser technique is chosen for liposuction because it keeps the fat cells intact so that they can be used again in injections.
  • In addition, Dr. Yasser Badi uses the fat extracted through a device for Buttock augmentation, after that the doctor injects healthy fat into the buttocks to enlarge it, as it is injected into the upper part of the buttocks so that the shape of the buttocks becomes larger and more naturally full, which helps On the procedure on curvy texture.
  • The average fat that can be injected is about 1000-1200ml per buttock for the buttocks, and in some cases up to approximately 1.8 liters of purified fat can be injected in each side.

Buttock augmentation results

After completing the operation, it should be noted that this process takes about 5-7 days to recover from, as there is swelling, and the buttocks appear enlarged, but this swelling gradually decreases until it disappears, and the final results begin to appear. 

Notice the results immediately, and sometimes wait until 6 weeks have passed for the swelling and bruising to disappear from the body.

Complications of Buttock augmentation

Some complications may occur traditionally when operating, but the chance of these complications appearing on the night of appearance, and these complications are:

  • discomfort.
  • pain.
  • Hematoma in the implantation area.

All these complications are rare, and they begin to disappear during the recovery period.

Post-buttock augmentation tips

To get the best results by injecting the autologous fat, it is necessary to follow the tips provided by Dr. Yasser Badi, which are:

  • The activity should be increased gradually.
  • Attending the center to obtain post-operative massage sessions daily for the first week, if the situation so requires.
  • Wearing a corset for the buttocks area for four weeks.
  • Avoid sitting on the buttocks for two weeks after the procedure.
  • Avoid violent and sudden movements.
  • Care must be taken when moving, especially in the first months after the operation.
  • Take the antibiotics prescribed by the attending physician for 10 days after the operation.
  • Avoid overburdening or pressing surgical incisions.
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Plastic surgery & body contouring specialist

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Alexandria University Master of Plastic Surgery
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