Do the red and white stretch marks in the abdominal area and buttocks disturb you?
Of course, everyone is able to these unpleasant cracks, especially those who have suffered sudden weight loss or saggy belly fat. Dr. Yasser Badi offers all effective solutions that finally help you get rid of annoying abdominal cracks and stretch marks and restores your confidence, beauty, and self-love by following the latest techniques of stretch marks removal.
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ToggleWhat do stretch marks mean?
Dr. Yasser Badi explains the concept of stretch marks as a set of fine lines that appear in several areas of the body such as arms, buttocks, chest, and abdomen. Stretch marks begin as a red line and then turn into white color. It happens as a result of stretching the skin, causing damage to some layers of the skin and increasing the excretion of cortisone that affect negatively of the skin and loses its flexibility and vitality. Here we must go for stretch marks removal.
What causes stretch marks?
Dr. Yasser Badi tries to spread the awareness about causes of stretch marks, some of them may be caused by the patient, and others as a natural reaction to the body. These are:
- Overweight especially with ladies who have weak abdominal muscles.
- Having specific types of medicine like Corticosteroids constantly.
- Getting old affects the rate of skin collagen secretion and thus causes dry skin and the appearance of stretch marks.
- Not having plenty of water can cause those stretch marks.
- Pregnancy has a great role in stretching the skin and the appearance of congested marks.
Use of laser technology in the stretch marks removal
Dr. Yasser Badi recommends stretch marks removal by laser technology. Laser rays are spotting on the location of the inclined cracks, and white and red lines and then reinforce these rays from the release of collagen and elastin between layers of the skin and those that help to elasticate the skin, restore freshness, regenerate the skin, and reduce the appearance of congested cracks and red lines that cause distress and discomfort and lose the aesthetic shape of the body.
Advantages of using laser technology in stretch marks removal
Dr. Yasser Badi explains why he recommends using laser technology in stretch marks removal, stating the advantages of using laser technology as follows:
- High level of safety compared with surgical methods to treat skin cracks and for stretch marks removal.
- Saving effort, time, and speed achieving the perfect results once the session is finished.
- Effective and accurate results.
- Laser is a safe technique that does not cause redness, inflammation, or change in skin color.
- The laser doesn’t leave any scars on the skin.
- Stretch marks removal is performed using local anesthetic.

Use of radio waves in stretch marks removal
Dr. Yasser Badi explains how to use radio waves in stretch marks removal by shining heat from high-frequency 3D radio waves which in turn stimulate the growth of skin collagen responsible for the vitality, freshness, and brightness of the skin and hide the signs of abdominal stretching and cracking. Collagen helps to tighten soft abdominal sagging and improve the shape of red and white lines that appear separated in the abdomen.
Advantages of using laser technique in stretch marks removal
The 3D radio wave technology has several unique advantages that Dr. Yasser Badi clarifies to patients that they can make the right decision with the help of a cosmetic expert in stretch marks removal. These advantages are:
- Very high level of safety.
- Radio waves don’t cause any pain to the patient.
- Stretch marks removal is performed in many sessions.
- Radio waves may cause simple redness and gradually disappear with no need for medical compresses or creams.
Using Micro Needling in stretch marks removal
Dr. Yasser Badi explains the mechanism of the micro-needle technique to reduce the white, red, and blue lines that appear in the abdomen as well as the skin cracks securely by a large proportion without exposure to the risks of surgery that leave a scar on the skin that only disappear over a long time. This technique is used by using a range of medical needles and passing them over the surface of the skin frequently back and forth, which enhances the release of collagen and elastin skin stronger, thereby restoring the freshness and softness of the skin, disappearing stretch marks. With low in cost if compared to other techniques used in stretch marks removal.
The mechanism of mesotherapy in stretch marks removal
Dr. Yasser Badi explains the mechanism of mesotherapy injection in stretch marks removal where the technique relies on the use of extremely precise medical needles until the injection of middle layers of skin, this method enhances circulation activity, and treats infections that inevitably cause damage and crack the skin. This technique is characterized by sagging skin tightening and lightening pigmented skin. Injections promote treatment of the effects of abdominal lines and extension resulting from pregnancy. The cost of this technique isn’t fixed, it depends on the number of sessions.
Use of CARBON DIOXIDE LASER in stretch marks removal
Dr. Yasser Badi clarifies that carbon dioxide is a successful method in stretch marks removal by using laser rays that makes the skin more beautiful and enhance the freshness and flexibility of the skin. Also, help the skin to get rid of damaged layers. Carbon also helps to tighten skin sagging and support the appearance of the most glamorous internal skin layers.
Cost of stretch marks and buttocks removal
Dr. Yasser Badi answers all the questions regarding the cost of treatment of stretch marks removal and buttocks. The price is non-fixed, it depends on the basis of the treated area and whether the treatment is specific to the abdomen, abdomen, and buttocks, as well as the type of technique used in the stretch marks removal and the number of sessions each patient needs. This is in addition to the cost of medical staff, the type of anesthesia used, and the patient’s health condition.
Tips for avoiding stretch marks
Dr. Yasser Badi offers many gold tips that protect the body and abdomen from cracking and stretch marks. These tips are:
- Having plenty of water can keep your skin hydrated.
- Stop smoking because it provides the body with poisons.
- Use a suitable hydration cream for your skin to avoid cracking skin
- Following a healthy diet rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins, and vitamin C.
- Gain weight during pregnancy gradually.
- Following a healthy diet to lose weight gradually.
- Taking a cold shower instead of a hot shower.
- Use collagen-rich hydration creams to keep skin softer.