The Mommy Makeover procedure is not just a cosmetic procedure, but a dream of every mother who has finished achieving her dream of giving birth, and now wants to regain the fitness and attractiveness that she was before pregnancy and childbirth.
The price of the Mommy Makeover operation is considered an obstacle for many women who want to go through this experience since it is a little high compared to other cosmetic surgeries, this is because this procedure actually includes many cosmetic procedures in the same process.
Here Dr. Yasser Badi explains to you important information about the price of this procedure, how it can be performed at a low cost, and many other important information.
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ToggleWhat do you know about Mommy Makeover?
Many women may not know what this operation is and what the purpose of performing it is.
The mommy makeover process is also known by many other names, the most important of which is “restoring youth after motherhood,” which is a process that aims to return a woman’s body to its natural shape before pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.
Which means restoring a body free of any sagging, blemishes, or excess local fat that distorts the beauty.
Plastic surgeons developed this procedure to help women feel their femininity and youth again, as well as to help them feel that motherhood and caring for children did not deprive their attractiveness and youth, which play a great role in improving the psychological state of mothers and giving them more confidence and happiness.
What will you get after Mummy Makeover?
The main goal of this procedure is to treat the negative effects that childbearing and childcare leave on a woman’s body, such as sagging, skin problems, sagging breasts, etc.
After the procedure is performed, you will enjoy the following:
- Getting rid of excess local fat, which accumulates in different areas of the body, mainly in the thighs, buttocks, and arms. This fat is eliminated through sculpting and VASER liposuction technology.
- A flat and toned stomach through a tummy tuck procedure.
- Attractive, uplifted breasts free of sagging. This is done using silicone implants or autologous fat injections, and sagging is eliminated by removing excess skin.
- Restore the freshness and youth of the face and get rid of paleness through a group of cosmetic procedures such as filler injections to give the face the appearance of fullness. In addition to plasma injections that enhance collagen production and improve the appearance of the skin.
- Face wrinkles and expressive marks are also eliminated either through Botox injections, laser injections, or tightening with cosmetic threads.
- Restoring the youth and attractiveness of the female area, as it is the area most damaged by the pregnancy and childbirth process, especially natural childbirth, which leads to the expansion and relaxation of the vagina, doctors perform many cosmetic procedures to tighten and strengthen the vaginal muscles, as well as get rid of external sagging and lighten the color of the area.
- Re-injecting autologous fat into some areas of the body to give it a more prominent and defined appearance, such as fat injection into the buttocks, face, or breasts.
We must know that the woman only chooses the cosmetic procedures that she needs, and it is not necessary to perform all cosmetic procedures, as the extent of the damage after childbirth varies from one woman to another. Sometimes some women only suffer from sagging abdomen and do not suffer from any other problems.

What are the factors affecting the price of Mommy Makeover?
Many things affect the price of the Mommy Makeover procedure, that’s why we find that the price of this procedure differs from one woman to another, and here we explain to you a group of the most important factors affecting the cost:
Number of cosmetic procedures
One of the most important factors that control the price of the Mommy Makeover procedure is the number of cosmetic procedures that will be performed during the procedure. Some women correct all defects in the body that occurred after pregnancy and childbirth, such as treating sagging breasts and abdomen, repairing the feminine area, suctioning excess fat, restoring freshness and youth to the face, and other procedures, while other women request that specific procedures be performed such as tummy tuck and breast lift only.
Techniques used during the operation
The number of techniques used during the procedure affects the price of the Mommy Makeover procedure, as many techniques are used, the most important of which are VASER or laser technology, as well as autologous fat re-injection technology and others.
The plastic surgeon who will perform the procedure
The doctor plays a major role in controlling the price of the Mommy Makeover procedure. When you choose the best plastic surgeon to perform the procedure, you will benefit from his skill and experience in the field of cosmetics to obtain a guaranteed ideal result. In return, you will pay more money to benefit from the services of the best plastic doctor to enjoy these results.
Read more: Mommy makeover surgery
The country where the operation will be performed
The country or region where the Mommy Makeover will be performed can be considered one of the most important factors influencing the price of the operation.
For example, the countries of the Arabian Gulf region are considered among the countries with the highest prices for plastic surgery in general, not just the price of the Mummy Makeover operation.
While there are a group of other countries where the cost is significantly lower, the most important of which are Egypt, Lebanon, and Turkey. Therefore, if you want a lower price, it is recommended to have the procedure done in one of these countries.
Length of stay in hospital
The number of days a patient stays in the hospital greatly affects the cost. There are some cosmetic procedures in which the patient can leave the hospital on the same day or the next day. If the cosmetic procedures are many and complex, this case may require the patient to stay for several days in the hospital, which increases costs significantly.
The luxury and services provided by the hospital
Also among the factors affecting the price of the Mommy Makeover procedure are the level of services and luxury provided to the patient. Some hospitals provide high-quality hotel services, which help the patient feel comfortable, relaxed, and calm.
To attract customers, doctors facilitate the process of paying costs and make it very flexible to suit everyone. Recently, all doctors have begun offering services in installments for the cost of the operation. You can communicate with your doctor and learn about the payment systems he provides.
What is the appropriate timing for a Mommy Makeover procedure?
To obtain a wonderful result, as well as to enjoy the results of the Mommy Makeover process for as long as possible, it is recommended that you do the following:
Operating the Mommy Makeover procedure after a sufficient period after birth, especially for a cesarean section, as the body needs a sufficient period to recover from the effects of childbirth and for the body to return to its normal state before pregnancy.
If you wish to go through this experience, most doctors recommend performing it at least a year after giving birth.
To maintain the result of this procedure, doctors also advise performing it after the birth of the last child, and the end of the mother and father’s desire to have children again, so that the operation results are not affected, especially in the abdominal and breast area.