
Your journey to beauty begins here: The best plastic surgeon in Egypt

Your journey towards beauty and achieving ideal results begins with the plastic Surgeon in Egypt who has many years of experience. The highly skilled and experienced surgeon is the only person capable of achieving what you dream of and getting rid of the problems that you suffer from. 

Many people are confused when searching for the best plastic Surgeon in Egypt. Many brilliant names are in this field, however, it’s difficult to know if their experience and skills are real or if it’s just advertisements.

Through the following lines, Dr. Yasser Badi presents to you the most prominent and important tips and advice that must be followed so that you can reach the best plastic surgeon in Egypt and be confident of obtaining ideal results.

Who is the best plastic surgeon in Egypt?

It is difficult to answer this question since every doctor excels in his specialty. Each doctor presents his results differently as if he were an artist drawing with his brush. 

So the answer to this question depends on many things, the most important of which is the extent of the doctor’s fame. The more famous the doctor is, the more this indicates his success. The long experience that the doctor gained by performing hundreds of plastic surgeries qualifies him to deserve the title of the best plastic surgeon in Egypt. 

There are also many qualities and advantages that the doctor must have to be the best, and we will show them to you in the following lines.

The best plastic surgeon in Egypt and academic certificates

When you decide to go through this amazing journey and begin your search for the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, the first thing you should look at is the academic certificates that the doctor obtained and his academic career as well. The plastic surgeon who obtained a bachelor’s degree in medicine from one of the prestigious universities then completed his educational career and obtained doctoral and master’s degrees, and is always keen to learn and keep up with everything new in his field. 

Of course, he is a competent doctor and has sufficient tools and information that qualify him to perform cosmetic surgeries successfully.

Read more: Success Stories with the Most Famous Plastic Surgeon in Alexandria: Real Experiences

The best plastic surgeon in Egypt and professional experience

The plastic surgeon’s experience and skills increase through the cosmetic surgeries he performs, and every operation he performs increases his experience and his ability to achieve ideal results. 

Therefore, when searching for the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, be sure to choose a doctor with great experience and skill. Ask directly about the operations the doctor performed and before and after pictures. Also, highly skilled doctors are in demand by many hospitals and clinics, and sometimes these doctors are asked to perform plastic surgery outside the country because of their great skills and competence.

The best plastic surgeon in Egypt and the ethical aspect

One of the most important things that distinguishes the best plastic surgeon in Egypt is that he has a high moral side. One of the most important of these morals is honesty with the patient. The doctor should be keen to advise and guide the patient, and not deceive him for the sake of financial gain and obtaining more money. The doctor must also be patient, listen well to the patient’s concerns, understand his goal in operating, and be gentle and compassionate as well.

Read more: Best plastic surgeon in Egypt


Evaluation of the Best Plastic Surgeon in Egypt

One of the most important doctor’s evaluation tools is his clients, as you must communicate with patients and former clients of the doctor either directly or through social media platforms and sites by searching for their opinions. You will be surprised either by the doctor’s fame, good reputation, and customer satisfaction, or the complete opposite, so you must take this step and not neglect it.

How can I determine if a cosmetic procedure is safe or not?

The best plastic surgeon in Egypt must provide his patient with the most important basic information about the extent of the operation’s safety, its success rate, and everything related to the complications that the person might be exposed to after performing the cosmetic operation. In addition, he should clarify that some operations are not suitable for some people either because they are unhealthy to perform this procedure, or because there are other better techniques and methods to treat the problem.

Read more: Cost Of Liposuction With The Plastic Surgeon In Egypt

Cosmetic surgery risks and complications

Your surgeon should also clarify that some complications occur naturally after any surgical operation, such as swelling, a feeling of general fatigue and exhaustion, headaches, and some mild pains,

Other than these complications, such as high body temperature and feeling severe pain, these are abnormal complications, and the patient must be informed of all the important details of the recovery period so that he can spend it safely and with the least complications.

What questions should I ask the plastic doctor before the surgery?

There are many things that you must be aware of before operating, and you must carefully ask your doctor about them, such as the following:

  • The cost of operating the procedure.
  • The preparations that should be performed before the surgery.
  • The complications that you might experience after the operation.
  • Whether it will require an overnight stay in the hospital,  will you need help from a partner after the operation?
  • You should also ask about the expected final result of the operation, when it begins to appear, how you can maintain it, and whether the result is permanent or will you have to repeat the operation.
  • Also, during the doctor’s interview, you must speak clearly about your fears and expectations from the operation and what is the possibility of achieving these results in reality. 
  • You can also ask questions regarding the type of anesthesia that will be used during the operation, whether it is spinal or general anesthesia.

Read more: Who is the best plastic surgeon in Egypt? Who tops the list, and why?

Why are Egyptian plastic surgeons considered the best?

Egyptian plastic surgeons are considered the best in the world of cosmetics. Most of the plastic surgeons celebrities and artists are Egyptian doctors, as they have become famous not only in Egypt but also abroad. Many countries and hospitals outside Egypt are keen to attract these doctors because of their great experience which makes them a destination for those wishing to undergo any cosmetic surgery.

The reason behind the brilliance and skill of Egyptian doctors is that they have studied medicine in ancient universities that are considered among the oldest medical universities in the Arab world, especially the universities of Cairo and Alexandria. In addition, the Egyptian doctor has intelligence and diligence, and his keenness to develop himself by continuing to study and learn about everything new in his field.

Finally, by contacting the clinic of Dr. Yasser Badi, the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, you can obtain more information and ask inquiries regarding any cosmetic procedure or choose the best cosmetic technique that fits your needs.

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Plastic surgery & body contouring specialist

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Alexandria University Master of Plastic Surgery
Egyptian Fellowship for Plastic Surgery

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