Belly fat is one of the most stubborn local fats that does not respond easily to following a restricted diet or routine exercising, especially if muscle weakness is the main cause of fat accumulation in this area, as happens to women after pregnancy and childbirth, or because of aging.
Stomach Liposuction is the most effective solution for those bored of following diets and exercising without any real noticeable result in the abdominal area and belly fat affects them not only from an aesthetic standpoint but also from a health standpoint.
If you are, we invite you to learn about the Stomach Liposuction process using the latest technologies with Dr. Yasser Badi to get rid of the problem of abdominal fat in just one hour.
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ToggleWhat is meant by Stomach Liposuction?
Stomach Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that aims to improve the shape of the abdomen to become flat and tight, by getting rid of the amounts of local fat that accumulate in the abdominal area, and is accompanied by a group of annoying effects such as sagging skin and drooping abdomen.
There are many methods through which one can get rid of belly fat, either through surgery or through liposuction techniques. The most important of which are laser technology and VASER technology, which are the newest and highest in terms of results and efficiency.
Before Stomach Liposuction
Before the operation, there are several instructions that the person must adhere to, the most important of which is stopping smoking for at least a month before the operation, as well as informing the doctor of any medications that you take daily, and if you are taking blood thinners the doctor will ask you to stop them. In addition, the doctor asks you to do a set of tests and analyses to ensure the safety of vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver, and to ensure that there are no contraindications or diseases that hinder the procedure.
Steps for Surgical Stomach Liposuction
It is also known as full Stomach Liposuction, because it includes many procedures other than getting rid of fat, such as muscle tightening and getting rid of excess sagging skin, as well as correcting the position of the navel. The surgical procedure goes through the following steps:
- The procedure begins with anesthesia, where the patient undergoes complete anesthesia.
- The doctor makes surgical incisions in the lower abdomen, and in the case of severe fat and sagging, a single horizontal incision is made starting from one side of the abdomen to the other side.
- The doctor removes the fatty cells accumulated in the abdomen, then begins cutting off excess sagging skin and tightening the remaining skin, so that the abdomen appears flat and taut.
- The last procedure that is performed (not in most cases) is to correct the location of the navel. With liposuction and skin tightening, the location of the navel may move lower, so the doctor corrects its position to suit the new shape of the abdomen.
- Finally, the surgical incision in the lower abdomen is closed with cosmetic stitches.

Steps for VASER Stomach Liposuction
The process of abdominal liposuction with VASER technology is considered safer and easier when compared to surgical liposuction of abdominal fat, but the VASER technique cannot be used in cases that suffer from a lot of fat accumulation and severe sagging in the abdominal area, as these cases require surgical intervention to get rid of excess skin and fats.
Vaser abdominal liposuction is used in cases where the skin in the abdominal area still has sufficient elasticity, and the process goes through the following steps:
- Regarding anesthesia, the doctor chooses between general anesthesia or local anesthesia according to the condition, the amount of fat that will be suctioned, and the duration of the operation.
- After anesthetizing the patient, the doctor begins to make small surgical incisions, only a few millimeters in diameter in the skin on the lower sides of the abdomen.
- Through these incisions, the doctor begins to insert what looks like a long needle, also known as a “probe,” which is connected to the Vaser device. Its mission is to emit high-resonance ultrasound waves. These waves begin to penetrate the fat cells and destroy their outer covering, thus turning the fat into a liquid substance.
- After dissolving the entire amount of fat, the doctor withdraws the probe from the body, and the stage of expelling the fat from the body begins.
- Through the same incisions, tubes are connected to a suction device that pulls the melted fat out of the body.
- Finally, after the complete amount of fat is suctioned, the incisions are closed with small stitches, and the wounds are bandaged.
What happens after the operation?
After performing abdominal liposuction, you will be able to leave the hospital on the same day, and the next day in the case of surgical liposuction, and during the recovery phase you will go through the following:
- After leaving the hospital, you will have to commit to complete rest during the first week of the operation.
- You will wear a compression garment (corset) that supports the abdominal muscles and prevents the skin from sagging.
- After one week, you can return to your normal life, taking care not to engage in any sudden or violent activities.
- The result appears gradually as the swelling in the abdominal area disappears.
- Commit to follow-up visits and take your medications as prescribed to avoid any complications.
- Eat only healthy foods, because they play a major role in accelerating the recovery process and restoring the body’s well-being after the operation.
Can fat come back after Stomach Liposuction?
During the Stomach Liposuction procedure, the fat cells in the area are eliminated, and by controlling weight after the operation, you can maintain the result for a period that may reach dozens of years, but if the result is not maintained by overeating unhealthy, high-calorie foods without doing any activities to burn excess calories, fat start accumulating again in the abdominal area.
So if you want to maintain the results of your procedure, all you have to do is control your weight and do light exercise regularly.
How is the cost of Stomach Liposuction determined?
You may have heard varying numbers regarding the cost of Stomach Liposuction. The truth is that the reason behind this difference is that the cost varies from one person to another according to their condition and the procedures used in each operation.
For example, surgical liposuction is considered higher in cost compared to Vaser liposuction. This is because it involves tightening the skin and removing a larger amount of fat. Other factors that affect the cost of the operation are the country in which the operation is performed, as the cost of plastic surgery is generally higher in capitals and major cities, unlike smaller cities. The name and fame of the doctor, the number of days the patient stays in the hospital, and other factors also affect the cost, so if you want to know the exact cost, you must visit a doctor to evaluate your condition and discuss the cost carefully.
Finally, we remind you that Stomach Liposuction may change your entire life and give you the fitness and attractiveness that you dream of. If you have more questions about Stomach Liposuction, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Yasser Badi’s clinic and all your questions will be answered.