Getting rid of annoying fat accumulations in different areas of the body has become very difficult since unhealthy lifestyles have unfortunately become common recently. Even with a diet and commitment to exercise, you may not be able to get rid of certain fat accumulations since it sometimes arises from genetic reasons. Therefore, liposuction is the best solution to treat such fat and restore fitness and body attractiveness.
What do you know about this technique? Here is more information about liposuction and the most important advantages and disadvantages, in addition to the price of the procedure, and how unwanted fat is determined.
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ToggleIs there a relationship between liposuction and weight loss?
Before talking about the advantages, disadvantages, and price of surgical fat removal, we would correct a misconception that has spread widely recently, which is that lipoplasty helps in reducing weight and treating obesity.
The truth is that the goal of surgical fat removal is to eliminate local fat accumulation to obtain a more fit and attractive body.
As there is a specific amount of fat that could be suctioned out and cannot be exceeded, it is an amount that ranges between 15-20 kilograms, so it is not a solution to treat obesity. Obesity is treated by visiting a doctor who specializes in treating obesity and resorting to some bariatric operations such as gastric bypass and gastric sleeve operations.
The concept of liposuction operations
Surgical fat reduction operations of various types aim to improve the external appearance of the body by getting rid of local fat that accumulates in some areas of the body. The most common body areas where fat accumulates are the abdominal area, thighs, and buttocks area.
The idea of the operation is based on getting rid of the accumulation of fat cells by dissolving and breaking them up using many modern technologies, which we will learn about later.
What are the areas allowed for liposuction?
Fortunately, thanks to advanced technologies, it has become possible to get rid of fat from any area of the body, including fat in the face and neck area, fat in the breast area, whether in women or men, as well as fat in the arms and back, fat in the abdomen and waist area, as well as fat in the buttocks and thighs, fat can also be suctioned from the legs area.
Who is the ideal candidate for liposuction?
Anyone who meets the following specifications is a candidate to undergo lipoplasty:
- His general health condition is good, and he does not suffer from serious or chronic diseases.
- The age exceeds eighteen years.
- He has only local fat, not excessive obesity, and the weight gain must not exceed 30 kilograms over the ideal weight.

What techniques are used in lipoplasty?
Many techniques could be used in lipoplasty, such as:
Traditional liposuction
It is performed through surgery by removing fat cells. In most cases, this surgery includes other cosmetic procedures such as tightening the body and getting rid of sagging.
Liposuction using ultrasound waves (VASER)
It is a technique that depends on dissolving fat by exposing it to ultrasound waves that break down the fat cells and turn them into a liquid substance, which is then easily extracted by suction.
Laser liposuction
Laser rays generate heat in the local layers of fat, which causes them to dissolve, becoming liquefied fat, which is then suctioned from the body. This technique is very similar to VASER technology.
Non-surgical liposuction
It is done through methods that can dissolve fat without causing any wounds or incisions in the body. One of the most famous non-surgical methods is body sculpting using mesotherapy or cryo sculpture.
Benefits of liposuction
Lipoplasty gives you many advantages, the most important of which are:
- An ideal and attractive body for both women and men.
- You will not have to adhere to a diet or visit gyms to lose local fat.
- Your psychological state will improve by feeling more confident and satisfied with yourself.
- Multiple clothing choices, you will be able to wear clothes without worrying about the size, or that the model will not fit your body.
Risks and complications of liposuction
A person undergoing this procedure in an unprofessional manner, and by an insufficiently experienced doctor, may be exposed to the following complications and risks:
- Not achieving ideal, satisfactory results due to not suctioning the required amount of fat.
- The occurrence of curves in the skin of the treated area due to the unprofessional methods.
- Sometimes burns may occur when using VASER techniques on the skin and tissues surrounding the fat cells.
- Complications due to anesthesia.
- Inflammation or infection occurs due to insufficient cleanliness and sterilization of wounds.
It must be noted that these complications and risks are rare, and arise due to the doctor’s lack of skill. Also, some normal complications occur after the operation disappears over time, such as numbness, swelling of the area, and a color change. It is also normal to feel mild pain.
What are the factors affecting the price of liposuction?
Many factors affect the price of this procedure that are either directly related to the procedure or other indirect factors. Among the most important direct factors that affect the price of the procedure are:
- The most important factor is the size of the operation, and whether fat will be removed from one area or more.
- The amount of fat required to be extracted from the body.
- The type of anesthesia that is applied during the operation whether local or general anesthesia.
- Other surgical procedures associated with lipoplasty also affect the price of the procedure. There are some cases in which skin tightening is performed during the procedure, or self-fat is re-injected into some other areas of the body. These procedures, of course, raise the price of the procedure.
Other factors affect the price of liposuction
We mentioned above that there are direct factors that affect the price of the procedure, while there are other indirect factors that affect the cost, such as:
- The country in which the operation is performed greatly affects the price. For example, the cost will be high if you perform in Arab Gulf countries, and the cost will be lower if you perform it in a country such as Egypt or Lebanon.
- Also, one of the most important things that affect the price is the extent of the plastic surgeon’s experience and skill, his good reputation, and the extent of his fame in the field. The more famous and well-known he is, the higher the price of his operation.
- Also among the factors that affect the price is the level of services and luxury provided by the hospital or clinic, as well as the number of days the patient stays in the hospital and the services provided to him and his companions during this period.
Finally, if you would like to obtain a consultation or more information about the price of lipoplasty, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Yasser Badi’s clinic, and our medical team will contact you immediately.