Best plastic surgeon for tummy tuck

Best Plastic Surgeon For Tummy Tuck

If you have tried to get a slimmer stomach through strict lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, but have not yet achieved the results you want, a tummy tuck may be the solution to achieve your goals. Tummy tuck surgery can also help Dr. Yasser Badi, the best plastic surgeon in Alexandria to remove stretch marks in addition to many amazing results.

What is a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery is a popular option for individuals who have recently lost a significant amount of weight or are pregnant. The procedure removes excess skin and then repairs weak or separated abdominal muscles that can accompany weight gain or pregnancy. This procedure is an amazing option for both men and women seeking to regain a flat abdominal contour.

The ideal candidate as the best plastic surgeon clarifies, is healthy adults who possess stable weight and does not plan to have any more children. It must be clear that tummy tuck surgery is a major surgical procedure that leaves a permanent scar. This treatment should not be undertaken without full and informed consideration. The best plastic surgeon help you decide if this procedure is right for you.

What to expect when considering a tummy tuck?

When considering tummy tuck surgery with the best plastic surgeon in Alexandria, Dr. Yasser Badi, the first step is to attend a consultation, where you should expect the following:

  • During this appointment, he will evaluate the treatment area and discuss with you the results you would like to achieve. 
  • The best plastic surgeon will determine the best surgical approach and whether tummy tuck surgery is right for you.
  • It is best to postpone surgery if you intend to lose a significant amount of weight. 
  • Women who are planning to become pregnant in the future should also wait before considering this procedure, as this may result in the need for a secondary corrective procedure.
  • You may need to have a full tummy tuck in conjunction with liposuction to achieve the results you are considering, and this will be determined by the best plastic surgeon.

Tummy tuck procedures

The best plastic surgeon in Alexandria, Dr. Yasser Badi, will discuss the tummy tuck techniques for you, as follows:

Complete tummy tuck operation

During this procedure, the best plastic surgeon will make an incision, and then the skin, tissue, and muscles encompassing the entire stomach area – from the rib cage to the abdomen below the navel – will be tightened and shaped around the belly button, which will remain in place.

Simple or partial tummy tuck

This procedure focuses on removing excess skin and fat and reshaping the area just below the navel.

Additional actions at the same time

If necessary, the best plastic surgeon may choose to perform additional procedures, such as liposuction to remove fat from around the hips. A lower body lift can be performed to remove excess skin and fat from the outer thighs and buttocks. 


A panniculectomy may be performed after significant weight loss (usually after weight loss surgery) has resulted in an excess amount of fat and tissue in the lower abdomen.

Best plastic surgeon for tummy tuck
Best plastic surgeon for tummy tuck

Steps of the tummy tuck procedure

Preoperative tests

Once your surgery date is scheduled, you will meet with your anesthesiologist to make sure you are healthy. 

Depending on your health condition, the best plastic surgeon may order preoperative tests that can include a blood test, electrocardiogram, or other tests to make sure you are healthy and ready for surgery.

On the day of surgery

A full tummy tuck usually takes up to three to four hours while a mini tummy tuck can take about one to two hours. 

Both are usually outpatient procedures, meaning you go home the same day. In some cases, you can stay overnight for observation

After the operation

  • You will usually spend one or two nights in the hospital. You may have abdominal drainage and bladder catheterization. 
  • The catheter is usually removed the day after surgery before discharge from the hospital, but sometimes it needs to be left in for a longer period. 
  • You will also need to wear compression garments for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery.
  • You will usually be seen after 5 to 7 days by the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Yasser Badi, to remove any bandages, examine the wounds, and remove stitches if necessary.

Tummy tuck surgery recovery

Full recovery time after the procedure can take a few weeks for most patients, but others may need up to a month to rest and fully recover.

  • For a few days after surgery, your abdomen will look swollen and you will likely feel some pain and discomfort, although we will prescribe painkillers that will help with this pain. 
  • Depending on the type of your surgery, you may return home the next day or stay for at least two nights. 
  • You may not be able to stand up at first, but you should start walking as soon as possible to reduce the risk of blood clots.
  • The best plastic surgeon will ask you to wear supportive clothing for 2-3 weeks after the procedure. 
  • You will be provided with instructions on bathing, hygienic dressing changes, and how to check your wounds for infection. 
  • The sutures are usually absorbable although some may need to be removed. 
  • Most patients can return to work after a few weeks but this varies, some patients may need up to a month to feel ready. 
  • You will notice the pain more when you cough or take a deep breath.
  • A healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise will help you achieve long-term results from a full or partial tummy tuck.

What are the risks of tummy tuck surgery?

As for all surgical procedures, some risks might be associated with tummy tuck surgery. Complications are rare, but they can occur, so it is important to be aware of the potential risks. Postoperative complications associated with tummy tuck procedures include:

  • Bacterial infections and blood clots. Such infections can be treated with a combination of drainage and antibiotics, but you will likely have to stay in hospital until you fully recover. 
  • There is a risk that the scars will become thick and remain red, in addition to risks associated with anesthesia.

Frequently asked questions about tummy tuck surgery

Can males have a tummy tuck?

Many men also choose to have a tummy tuck just like women, as they develop an abundance of excess sagging skin after losing weight and want to remove it. If you’re looking for a firmer, flatter stomach and a more trimmed waist, tummy tuck surgery may be the solution.

How long do the results last?

The benefits of tummy tuck surgery procedures can last a lifetime. However, if the patient gains excessive weight the shape of the anterior abdominal wall can return to its preoperative state. It is therefore essential for patients to maintain their results through a normal diet and exercise.

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Plastic surgery & body contouring specialist

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Alexandria University Master of Plastic Surgery
Egyptian Fellowship for Plastic Surgery

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